Monday, April 23, 2012

Unit Summary 3

Modernism is a huge part of today’s generation. Modernism began around the time of the World Fairs. The World Fairs showed evidence that design was finally progressing. Design was moving past old trends and branching out into something entirely new. Designers were acting on their ideas and inspirations and communicating those ideas through architecture. The World Fairs were celebratory events that designated modifications in the world. They were commercial events, but also very competitive because designers competed to be a part of them. World Fairs introduced and promoted new up and coming products such as, Cracker Jack’s, Aunt Jemima, and Wrigley’s Gum. By promoting new products and designs, the World Fairs influenced people to travel around the world. 

 The search for modern design was not a simple task.  Designers chose to repeat classic design while the post impressionistic focused more on light. Cubism, flattening out of a space, was introduced, as was expressionism. The idea of combining flattened space with more emotions. Finally, art nouveau, made its debut and modernism hits its highest. Modernism is the first design style without a historic precedent and grew tremendously fast.

 Casa Batilo by Antonia Gaudi
During the 19th century, designers were starting to be “done with” reform. Finished with making the old “new.” Designers wanted new forms, focusing on modern they struggled trying to find a trend to settle in. Before Modernism, design styles always had a specific trend. But modernism is the exact opposite. It was a bunch of designers ideas compiled into all designs. Designers would copy, reinvent, and mix together several different designs. Louis Sullivan would natural materials and put them into abstract geometric patterns. Modernism started with interiors and with time moved to include the exteriors of buildings as well. 

 The Crystal Palace, 1851, iron and glass
 The Eiffel Tower, 1889
Frank Lloyd Wright was a leading architect for modern architecture and one of the best examples. Wright would give as much care to the interiors of his designs as he did to the exteriors. Most of his floor plans were very smooth and incorporated straight, clean, horizontal lines. 

 Frank Lloyd Wright, The Guggenheim
 Frank Lloyd Wright, Falling Water


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